Please let me know if anything here is outdated or defunct. I aim to please.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Welcome to HubCityHitMix!

Hey you all. I decided to put this site together for a couple of reasons. The first was to do show reviews, thus giving me an excuse/reason to get out of the house and socialize. But it wasn't purely selfish. I also want to create a resource for the Vancouver Island area music community. So in addition to show reviews, I'll post links to loads of great local music and music related stuff. Maybe more, if I feel like it. If you have a band or anything else you think I should put on here, by all means, send me the link: I might not use it. I have pretty refined tastes.

Jesse LeBourdais / Greg Rekus / Bluebird / Fire Next Time

The Cambie, Nanaimo, March 28, 2011

Jesse LeBourdais, a guy from my hometown, er, village, contacted me telling me he was playing in town. Actually, I spammed his facebook account and he told me to come see him play. So I did.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Jon / David Chenery / Megabear!

Welcome to my first show review!  Bound to be few and far between, as I'm far too old and responsible to go out having a good time. And I'm broke and unemployed.  I said show review, and I meant it.  I'll describe the music as best I can, but I'm no expert on musical genres and I like a lot of terrible music, so there's better places to be bored by technical descriptions of something that's meant to be enjoyed.  But I'll let you know what I saw and heard and how it felt as best I can.